Making Assessment Meaningful: Grading with the Student in Mind
Join High School ELA Teacher and Instructional Technology Coach, Tyler Rablin for six (6) asynchronous sessions that delve deeper into making assessment meaningful by grading with the student in mind. Learn at the pace that works best for you and leverage our collaborative Slack Workspace. Walk away with
Gradebook templates
Feedback Portfolio
Student Conferencing Templates
Assessment Blueprint Templates
Please ensure you click the subscribe box during checkout to ensure that you receive the access details for this product. (Even if you are already subscribed with us!)
Join High School ELA Teacher and Instructional Technology Coach, Tyler Rablin for six (6) asynchronous sessions that delve deeper into making assessment meaningful by grading with the student in mind. Learn at the pace that works best for you and leverage our collaborative Slack Workspace. Walk away with
Gradebook templates
Feedback Portfolio
Student Conferencing Templates
Assessment Blueprint Templates
Please ensure you click the subscribe box during checkout to ensure that you receive the access details for this product. (Even if you are already subscribed with us!)
Join High School ELA Teacher and Instructional Technology Coach, Tyler Rablin for six (6) asynchronous sessions that delve deeper into making assessment meaningful by grading with the student in mind. Learn at the pace that works best for you and leverage our collaborative Slack Workspace. Walk away with
Gradebook templates
Feedback Portfolio
Student Conferencing Templates
Assessment Blueprint Templates
Please ensure you click the subscribe box during checkout to ensure that you receive the access details for this product. (Even if you are already subscribed with us!)