Professional Learning Pathway

Experience the learning you aspire to design

Shifting Strategies for Blended Learning Shifting Strategies for Blended Learning
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A Professional Learning Pathway created by Jeff Utecht and Trisha Friedman. Get four (4) asynchronous sessions that delve deeper into shifting strategies for blended learning. Learn at the pace that works best for you and leverage our two (2) optional office hours (“Brews with You”) and collaborative learning Slack Workspace.


Walk away with

  • Design elements for successful blended learning;

  • Instructional strategies for blended learning; and a

  • Professional Learning Portfolio.




You can move through the content as quickly or slowly as you like due to it’s self-paced nature.


Session Details


How can we provide multiple opportunities for engagement? How can we leverage technology to lighten the cognitive load of our learners?

Big Ideas: Embedding video and audio into slides, designing a single-slide pathway, refine your wayfinding practice.

Linked to ISTE Standard: 5: Designer: Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability.


How might we design pathways that re-engage learners who have been absent? How can we provide scaffolding for students who feel overwhelmed? What does embedded SEL look like?

Big Ideas: Build recursive tutorials and pathways for students who have not been able to attend every lesson.

Linked to ISTE Standard: 6a: Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.


Keeping feedback personal with audio and video. Let’s walk through processes of designing feedback to reach students, regardless of where they are.

Big Ideas: Co-design feedback that students want to engage with. Learn strategies to save you time and bolster student engagement.

Linked to ISTE Standard: 1a: Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.


How can we lighten our planning load when it comes to designing self-paced learning that provides students choice? Build on our existing templates and take your weekends back.

Big Ideas: Experiment with ways to truly leverage student ownership.

Linked to ISTE Standard: 5c: Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.

Office Hours

This learning pathway includes two opportunities to interact with Jeff and Trisha for an hour! Come with your wonderings, questions and brew of your choice! (You will be advised of dates and times upon purchase.)


2 for 1 DEAL!

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Do I have to attend the Office Hours ("Brews with You")?

"Brews with You" are not compulsory, however if you wish to claim 1 clock hour for each of these Office Hour sessions, then you will need to sign up and attend the Office Hours.

How do I access the Office Hours ("Brews with You") with Jeff & Trisha?

You will receive details for how to sign up to attend the Office Hours after you have purchased this Professional Learning Pathway. We will use ZOOM for the Office Hours ("Brews with You").

How do I access/use the collaborative Slack Workspace?

We have a handy tutorial PDF - How to Use Slack, which we will share with you after you have purchased this product.

How is participation monitored/verified?

I(Type of interaction between the instructor and the participant)

  • Learning Portfolio

    • Slide deck for people to take notes, reflect on learning, etc. 

  • Slack engagement & Optional Office Hours

What professional goals or needs does this Professional Learning Pathway meet?

This training aligns with ISTE Standards for Educators. (Learner 1a; Designer 5, 5c; and Facilitator 6a)

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“A blended learning approach known as ‘Highly Structured, Loosely Organized’ focuses on three key parts. This is my personal invitation to you to join us in this professional learning pathway to find out more!”

— Jeff Utecht

What level(s) is this Professional Learning Pathway most suited for?

This learning pathway is suitable for all Educators/Administrators.

Are clock hours available for this PL Pathway?

Up to 6 continuing education credits are available from Washington State Educational Service District (ESD) #123 (purchased separately at your own cost).

Can I purchase for multiple teachers using a purchase order?

Yes! Please contact us at info[at] and we can organize that for you or your school. For groups larger than 10, please contact us (info[at] for the group rate.



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