Professional Learning Pathway

Experience the learning you aspire to design

Now is the time: Rethinking LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Now is the time: Rethinking LGBTQIA+ Inclusion
Quick View

Join our live Professional Learning Pathway created by Tricia Friedman, Thursday November 4, 2021.
Choose the session time that works best for you: 8am PST or 4pm PST

This 2 hour zoom series will help all educators K-12 rethink what LGBTQIA+ Inclusion in their school means. As schools aim to create schools that are welcoming, supportive, and truly future-ready we must learn to address ways our schools have not been
identity-affirming for all learners.

This live session will give you actionable resources that you can use in your practice tomorrow. We will provide a reflection portfolio for you to use as you document your learning and goals. This portfolio will be set up to simplify the process of transferring your learning to your PLC and peers. 

The practical resources will be accompanied by research that explores why this work matters, and how all students benefit from a more inclusive learning environment. Are you ready to rethink LGBTQIA+ Inclusion?


The Learning


Getting Started: What are small steps we can take tomorrow that have a massive impact for our community? How might we build a working definition for allyship to bring back to our community? Which audits and question frameworks are most necessary in my context?

Sustaining the Work: How do we address potential pushback? What myths can we address with research? How might we rehearse a so-called ‘difficult conversation’? How can we co-author goals for inclusion with our community?

So Now What? Allyship is a verb Superintendents and School leaders can and must engage with. Learn how  we can rethink and revise policy as well as look at school-wide curriculum-wide changes that will mark true change. School leaders will engage with resources that will help them model LGBTQIA+ allyship for the entire school community.




When will this Live 2-hour Zoom session with Tricia be?

  • Thursday, November 4, 2021. 8am PST OR

  • Thursday, November 4, 2021. 4pm PST

How do I access the 2-hour Zoom session with Tricia?
You will receive details for how to access the zoom sessions after you have purchased this Professional Learning Pathway. Note: You will need access to zoom

How is participation monitored/verified?
(Type of interaction between the facilitator and the participant)

  • Learning Journal

    • Slide deck for people to take notes, reflect on learning, etc. 

What level(s) is this Professional Development most suited for?
The session is suitable for all educators.

Are clock hours available for this online learning?
Up to 4 continuing education credits are available from Washington State Educational Service District (ESD) #123 (purchased separately at your own cost)

Can I purchase for multiple teachers using a purchase order?
Yes! Please contact us at info[at] and we can organize that for you or your school. For groups larger than 10, please contact us for the group rate.

This time & date doesn’t work for you?
Contact us at info[@] to ask about customizing this content specifically for your school or district.

I have a question not answered here!
Contact us at info[at] and we’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours!


Tricia Friedman has worked as an IB MYP/DP educator in The United States, China, Thailand, Ukraine, Morocco, Indonesia, Switzerland, and Singapore.

Tricia is also a proud former Peace Corps Volunteer.
Currently, she consults and produces content for Shifting Schools.

Tricia lives in beautiful British Columbia with her wife, and their puppy.