Podcast PD
because the new era of PD needs to be flexible!
Shifting Schools takes the power of a podcast series and partners it with the potential of a digital journal. When you take that marriage and frame it with a facilitator’s guide for a follow up discussion, you have a recipe for transformative learning.
When we leverage podcasts, we create opportunities for professional growth to happen in concert with teacher wellbeing. Take the podcast out for a run, a walk, or enjoy it while getting some time in nature.
Podcasts can also be explored on the commute to school, or while catching up on chores around the house. When we present our peers with a flexible option, stress levels go down, and we know teachers are currently facing a surge in stress like never before.
Our podcast PD program comes with a custom made digital journal with ready to roll reflective frameworks. This provides the means for teachers to create a meaningful artifact of their learning.
The facilitator’s guide offers a range of strategies for building on the collective reflections of teachers. We take the asynchronous learning and bolster it with in person conversation. This blended learning model helps schools think about ways to use podcasts with their students.
Would you like to experience one of our free Podcast PD offerings to get a smaller scale sample of this concept?
Contact us
to inquire about our existing Podcast PD pathways on:
Social Emotional Learning,
Equity, or
We also create bespoke Podcast PD pathways for schools.
Explore Ways to Shift the PD Praxis at Your School
Episode 1: (159) Shifting PD Praxis: Protocols are the Structure to Thinking
Host Jeff Utecht reminds us that “We know our PD practice needs to model the practices we want to see mirrored in the classroom.” So how do we do that?
Key Questions:
To what extent is the PD we invite teachers and colleagues to engage with producing and reinforcing a mindset for life-long learning?
Does our PD excite teachers? Does it tap into the reasons they became teachers? Does it build a learning community?
Does our PD help teachers teach the art and craft of thinking? Are we actively adding to the repertoire of what I think of as thinking frameworks?
Episode 2: (160) Shifting PD Praxis: Independent and Interdependent PD
So what can we do to make engaging conversations more prevalent on campus? How can we see conversation as a mechanism that focuses our teams?
Key Questions:
How do the personal professional development journeys of your faculty intersect and merge with yours?
What I mean by this is, well do you have the opportunity to make key connections with your own personal learning and that of others at your school?
If your professional development experiences are different, do they still point to a similar vision or mission?
And lastly, but in my mind, most importantly … Is the professional development helping your community grow? Is it helping to build stronger relationships and better team dynamics?
Episode 3: (161) Shifting PD Praxis: Reimagining our Recipe
What, from the challenge, do you want to return to come August?
Contact us
to inquire about our existing Podcast PD pathways on:
Social Emotional Learning,
Equity, or
We also create bespoke Podcast PD pathways for schools.