Empowered PLCs
Guide for using our podcast episodes at your upcoming meetings
Are your teachers designing blended learning for their students?
Our Empowered PLCs podcast episodes are perfect for experiencing how blended learning works!
Take advantage of our FREE mini PD every week!
Get the FREE Guide mentioned
Here’s our recommended recipe for leveraging episodes …
Step One
Decide whether or not you will listen live (remember the episode is under 15 minutes) OR whether you will agree to listen before hand, perhaps on your commute, or while you are walking the dog or doing the dishes.
Step Two
While you are listening, use our Shifting School’s ‘Rings, Sings, Wings’ protocol (below) to help you document your thinking.
Step Four
Silently complete our ‘Baby Steps vs Dance Steps’ protocol (see below) - (again, setting up a digital space for this reflection works well with Jamboard, Padlet, Google Docs, or Mentimeter)
Step Five
Set aside time to explore the free guide discussed in this episode, and agree to continue to update the work you completed in Step Four.
Step Six (Optional)
Reach out to the Shifting School’s team to share your thoughts on this episode and these routines. We’d love to get your feedback and answer any questions: sospodcast[at]gmail.com
Protocol Image Cards
Click the cards to download your own copy!
This recipe also works with these past episodes:
Get the any of the FREE Guides mentioned in the above episodes here!
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Inspire Organize Document
Our Empowered PLCs is an all-inclusive PLC plan that has everything you need to inspire, organize, and document your professional learning community.