Generative AI In the Classroom

Bridging Our Past and Their Future with AI

Guiding you on the transformative journey of integrating AI in education

Free Guides to Get you Started

Going Deeper with Online Courses and Webinars

Free Guides to Level Up

Ready to take your district to the next level?

  • 90 Minute virtual or In-Person Session:

    As the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education continues to grow, it is crucial for educators to be equipped with the necessary skills to effectively use AI tools such as ChatGPT. This training will focus on exploring the various applications of ChatGPT in the classroom.

  • 90 Minute virtual or In-Person Session:

    Equity and AI is an interactive 90-minute virtual training session aimed at enhancing participants’ understanding of fairness, transparency, and non-discrimination in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). This condensed, yet comprehensive, webinar-style program explores the intersection of societal dynamics and AI, stressing the importance of equitable outcomes for diverse demographic groups. Participants will delve into potential biases that can permeate AI systems, from data gathering stages to algorithmic decision-making, and will be equipped with strategies to spot, mitigate, and prevent these biases. This digital classroom experience seamlessly weaves technical proficiency with social responsibility, empowering attendees to ethically harness AI technology, fostering a digitally inclusive future for all.

  • 90 Minute virtual or In-Person Session:

    A specialized training program tailored for 6-12 educators, designed to empower them with the knowledge and skills to leverage the capabilities of AI, specifically ChatGPT, in crafting skill-based assessments. The training provides educators with a solid understanding of how AI can enhance the assessment process, focusing on the creation of engaging, adaptive, and effective evaluations that accurately measure a student’s skill level. Teachers will learn how to integrate ChatGPT into their curriculum to facilitate personalized learning, offering instant feedback and promoting student engagement. The program emphasizes a balanced approach, ensuring that technology enhances, rather than replaces, the human element of teaching, thereby creating a more dynamic and enriched educational experience.

I think the most impactful thing I learned was more of shifting my own bias about what my role is as a teacher. AI isn’t so much a tool, although it certainly can be viewed that way, but I am seeing it more through the lens of a partner; a thought partner to quote Jeff. And my role as a teacher is a type of thought partner for students too but what would it look like to have all stakeholders in a child’s education using AI to move deeper into authentic learning?
— Kate Josway - Workshop Attendee

Conferences and Weekend Workshps

  • Jeff Utecht

    Jeff Utecht is a highly regarded educator, consultant, and author who has dedicated his career to exploring the intersection of technology and education. With over 20 years of experience working in the field, Jeff is widely recognized as an expert in digital literacy, educational technology integration, and innovative teaching practices. He is also a sought-after speaker and presenter, having delivered keynote addresses and workshops at conferences around the world. Jeff’s work has helped to shape the way that educators think about technology and its role in the classroom, and his insights continue to inspire educators to embrace new technologies and pedagogical approaches in their own practice.

  • Tricia Friedman

    Tricia Friedman is an unparalleled force in the educational realm with a rich tapestry of experiences spanning nearly 20 years across nine countries. Renowned for her innovative 'safe to fail' approach, she fosters environments where learners are encouraged to venture beyond their comfort zones, blending moments of joy, reflection, and deep introspection. Beyond her sessions, Tricia's influence persists as conversations and learning journeys continue to evolve. Her dedication to understanding and addressing individual needs with creativity makes her a highly sought-after educator. Dive into this educational odyssey with Tricia, where every engagement promises lasting impact.

Fully Asynchronous Pathways

Included in the PLC AI Playground:

  • A dynamic and engaging challenge 

  • Compassionate guidance that takes your context into account

  • A space for connecting with the facilitators and the cohort whenever you’d like

  • A reflective team journal to capture and amplify key learning

  • A concept map: don’t get overwhelmed with terminology, instead focus on deep understanding of core concepts while experimenting with specific use cases

Included in the AI in EDU Playground:

Our Recorded Webinar: Tailored to your unique questions and needs, our 30-minute webinars provide support for your learning journey.

Generative AI Resource: Get a ready-to-roll resource that leverages one of our Generative AI frameworks, ensuring you can immediately implement your newfound knowledge.

A Challenge: Think critically about how AI can deliver transformative learning through our challenge.

Community and connection: Connect with our cohort inside our online camp community.

Included in the challenge:

  • Your school will receive a menu of challenges to choose from.

  • A customizable digital journal that will set teachers up for accessible sharing.

  • A facilitator’s guide to make the task of leading this challenge easy (and dare we say, fun!).

Pathway Includes:

  • A documentation template 

  • Curated research 

  • A podcast menu of episodes relevant to this topic

  • Core conversation starters to help educators spark important conversations about AI and equity in the classroom

Contact us

  • Are you looking for something more tailored for your school district?

  • Do you have any other questions? Ask us now!